Haines Consulting Group is Australia's leading consultancy firm specialising in navigating the dynamic landscape of non-dilutive funding (government grants). In today's economic climate, government grants play a pivotal role in fostering industry expansion and innovation. With the Australian Government, along with State Governments, actively fuelling industry growth through various grant programs, it is imperative for businesses to tap into these non-dilutive funding opportunities. At Haines Consulting Group, we specialise in providing invaluable insights and strategies to help businesses harness these grants for their growth and development.
The numbers speak volumes – currently, there are approximately 756 grants accessible nationwide, with a notable 97 earmarked specifically for businesses. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to secure funding without diluting equity. However, navigating the complexities of the grant ecosystem can be daunting. This is where Haines Consulting Group excels.
Our team works closely with clients to provide a clear understanding of the diverse offerings within the current and emerging competitive grant landscape. We develop tailored Grant Strategies that empower businesses to align these opportunities with their specific objectives, ensuring maximum impact and success.
With some of Australia's most successful enterprises and visionary startups already leveraging these non-dilutive competitive grants, Haines Consulting Group has established itself as a trusted partner in unravelling the complexities of the funding ecosystem and uncovering untapped potential.
Contact us now at for a confidential conversation.